Monday, June 29, 2009

Long Time No Post

I'm so sorry that it's been days since I've updated here. I will take a moment to explain. My mother is 87 years old and she has had a recurrence of tongue cancer. She has had surgery and is stable for now.

My family and I are taking turns to stay with her. She is not happy about this. She wants to stay alone. She is having trouble understanding that this will never again be possible. We made a small change in the house over the weekend, we changed out a full sized bed to put in a king sized bed so that my husband can stay with me comfortably overnight. My 87 year old mother had a fit, crying, screaming, telling everyone to shut up and leave. Now understand this did not alter her bedroom nor any other room of the house and we did not move any other furniture.

I feel like I need a support group of children caring for an elderly parent.

I am at home today while my 18 year old stays with Mom, but I have to go back to her house tomorrow to spend the rest of the week. Please pray.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Decisions, Decisions

I am trying to decide which top to knit with this yarn.

Schoeller+Stahl Eviva - Emerald - 18 skeins or 1980 yards
Gauge 22 stitches = 4" (worsted)
on size US 4 needles

The choices are Buttercup or Broken Rib Tank.

Please tell me what you think. This will be my first garment for an adult (me). So I am nervous. And as usual making the decision to get started is taking so long because I am afraid that I will make a mess. I need to just get on with casting on, because I can always rip it out if need be, right?

If you've made a great summer top please share, I am still open to suggestions.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Finished Scarf

I am happy to say that I finished the scarf for my Aunt Charlotte. It's her Christmas present. I blogged about it here. It feels good to get another project finished, especially since it's a gift.
If you are on Ravelry you can check out all the particulars here.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Fabric to Match

I bought this fabric to go with some fabric that I bought several weeks ago.

I like it and plan to make a bag. So that's two bags that I want to make. I just need to be in the same house with my sewing machine for that to happen. My goal is to get them both made before I go to the beach on July 4th. We'll see if it happens.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Trying Something New

I've often thought of trying my hand at making something with beads. So off I went to the store to get some supplies. Turns out you need to know a little something about beading before you go to the store. So after coming home empty handed and checking out a few tutorials about beading I then went back out in search of supplies. I bought a few things and was able to make this key chain. I'm thinking of making a few of these for Christmas presents. What do you think?

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Quilts for Kids

I recently found a great charity, Quilts for Kids. If you quilt you should definitely check this out. And even if you don't you may be interested in their story. I love the idea of rescuing fabric from landfills, well actually before it gets to the landfills. Otherwise, ewww! And by the way who throws fabric away? Certainly not me, my attic is proof of that.

Robert Kaufman Fabrics has joined up with them and produced a great new fabric line. Check it out here. I can't wait to see it in person, but it won't be released until August.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Work in Progress

I have been working on the Cat's Paw Scarf since January 4th, well not really.

I cast it on then but I haven't worked on it in many months. I like it and plan to give it to my aunt for Christmas so it's time to get back to work on it.

Patons Lacette - Cream Caress

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Giveaway Goodies Received

In the mail on Saturday I received a package from Sandra. I won her Sew, Mama, Sew giveaway. I was expecting this

But I had forgotten that she had included fabric in the giveaway. So I was thrilled when I opened the package and there were 11 strips of Woodland Bloom from a Moda Jelly Roll.

Sandra thank you so much!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

All Done

I finished the baby sweater. After much trouble -

1. Begin knitting with lovely yarn that turns out you don't have enough of
2. Rip it out

3. Go buy new yarn
4. Love new yarn and cast on

5. Finish body of sweater and go back to sleeves

6. Totally screw up first sleeve

7. Rip out sleeve

8. Get first sleeve right

9. Start second sleeve

10. Make a mistake, but only pull out a few rows

11. Finish sleeve

12. Ta Da - Sweater done!

Who knew an easy baby sweater could be so much trouble. I have a feeling it was all operator error. Who cares now, it's done!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Making the Best of Bad Yarn

Is there really such a thing as bad yarn? Well, let's just say yarn that was not my favorite when I pulled it from the bag. You see, I bought several bags of yarn sight unseen. They were a really good deal and I got lots of great stuff. But I also got some stuff that quite frankly at first glance I was ready to give to the closest Goodwill. But then I packed everything away and I've just now pulled it back out after about two months and guess what, I am seeing it all with fresh eyes. And I am seeing new possibilities for some of it. So I am challenging myself to use some of the yarn that was at first glance less desirable. The first yarn up is this lovely.

Reynolds Reggae

and for a first project I have turned a bit of one skein into this. It's okay. I like the yarn now. And I'm seeing new life for it, in other words I won't be driving to Goodwill any time soon.Simple Dishcloth

Does anyone have a suggestion for the other 8 skeins?

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Currently Reading

I have decided to read the Sue Grafton Alphabet series. And I'm starting out with A is for Alibi.

Have you read any of the series? What did you think?

Great Giveaway

Head over to The Fabric Shopper to check out a great giveaway. This is my selection it's called Bella Verde (with a kicker of brown):

New Site Launch

Check this out SEWN. I was lucky enough to win one of the great blog giveaways associated with the launch. Go check out Craftapalooza. I won one of her fabulous apple pincushions. We have been in touch and she is a sweetie.

I also won a great giveaw
ay associated with Sew, Mama, Sew. This is a great blog with lots of stuff going on all the time. But let me show you what I won. The very friendly Jenny from Creekhouse sent me this -

And I love it!! Thanks Jenny!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

I'm Back

Thanks for letting me take a day off. I am back with a few blogs that I follow and how they have influenced and inspired me lately.

First, there is this charming lady over at Crazy Mom Quilts. She makes the most amazing quilts! How does she keep turning them out so quickly? She has inspired me to get my machine back out and attempt to get a few projects going.

Next, head over to Old Red Barn Co. Dana has a great Quilt Along going. I wish I could join in, but right now I'm too overwhelmed to start on something new. I love how she has so many great pictures of her quilt in progress to go with her step by step instructions. She also has a Flickr group for her Quilt Along and you should check it out - so much great fabric! So much inspiration!

I am still knitting on the baby sweater. I interrupted it to cast on some socks to knit at the hospital while waiting and waiting and sitting and so forth . . . But now I am working to complete the sweater. I'm on the sleeves. By the way if you are on Ravelry, so am I. Look for "lovemesomeyarn".

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Be Back Soon

My mother just had surgery yesterday and is the hospital for a few days. I am spending lots of time with her. So I may not be posting for a day or two.